What It Really Means To Trust When You Cannot See

Something about the vast open space of the sky can shift my focus from the crowded thoughts in my mind. On an early morning drive well before dawn, I was captivated by the quarter moon shining in the cold, dark morning sky, accompanied by a single twinkling star. I couldn’t help but reflect that even though I couldn’t see the moon in its entirety, I knew it was fully there.

Fully there. Always present. That is the Spirit within us that overflows as we live by faith.

The same is true for the holiness of God that is always present. The twinkling star reminded me that the One who shines the brightest, even in a dark world, is always with me. Even if I cannot see Him with the natural eye, God’s presence is fully there. He is holy and whole. We will quickly be discouraged if we only focus on what we can see. There is so much for us to “see” that only faith can fully capture.

“We live by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV).

With Christ dwelling within us, we have this great faith to see beyond what we see here. While we acknowledge and see the world, we need not become entangled in its ways. Even if we encounter difficult or unrealistic situations, we have the power to turn our eyes toward the light, gaining a renewed perspective to navigate the toughest challenges.

In my inner struggles and walking through days of what feels like low valleys at times, there is always this glimmer of hope that nudges my heart to keep trusting.

How do I trust in the unknowns in my life?

I pause, take a deep breath, and turn my thoughts to Christ. I have a simple conversation with Him when I know my mind wants to pull me away. Sometimes, it takes me a minute or two, but once I choose faith over sight, I sense the peace of God. If I can get myself to that place, I know He will guide me through the rest.

Just as the vastness of the sky, the vastness of the love and faithfulness of our Creator is always present with us. We have this faith that allows us to live life to the fullest.

If I am honest, on the days that I don’t appear my best, maybe I look like a quarter moon to some. The truth is, though, she’s still there.

The moon is always in the sky. We don’t always see it based on the orbit of the Earth.

I am still fully there because the presence of Christ dwells within me. Of course, I want to be my best around others. If you’re not there today, though, it’s okay. We are all going through something. Even if I am not appearing at my best, I know He knows me completely.

Don’t focus on only what you can see. Look deeper. Look within. Never give up. I am in the waiting, but my faith keeps me present with Him.

If you’re walking with Christ, you live by faith, not sight.

We make decisions even when we don’t yet know what to expect. Live by faith, not sight.

We hold onto hope for the things we’re still waiting on. Live by faith, not sight.

When our days turn in the direction we didn’t see coming, we try our best to seek guidance in prayer. Live by faith, not by sight.

Even in our unanswered prayers, God is still there.

God is right there when we cannot see what the future holds.

He is still there when we’re having a not-so-good day, and He is still there when we’re leaning on our understanding, trying to comprehend and figure things out.

God has always been there, from beginning to end. Our faith rather than our sight opens the door to spaces as vast as the sky for us to explore, learn, and grow in our life journeys.

I want to choose trust in the very season of my life. As I seek answers for things in my life, what I have found to be most true is that no matter how I feel or what the circumstances look like, I know that God is still there. He has always been there. I trust Him every step of the way, even when I cannot see what is evolving or the outcome.

God is fully here, always. Let’s live by faith, not sight.

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